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Visit Baltimore’s Unique New Office Space

Visit Baltimore’s Unique New Office Space


For Visit Baltimore, it couldn’t be a better time of year for moving to a new Downtown location. So, the team at Film Room Glass Tinting took a trip to Downtown Baltimore to complete one of our first big glass film projects of spring.

Visit Baltimore wanted their glass film to help create an office environment with a modern twist, bringing some of Baltimore’s personal authenticity into their new space. As a premier travel agency in Baltimore, this new office space had to send the proper creative and down-to-business vibe that has contributed to building this city’s legacy over the decades--we had the perfect glass film

To help project Baltimore’s creative and can-do attitude that Visit Baltimore encourages visitors to embrace, The Film Room Glass Tinting team applied 3M String Reverse Vertical Striped film to their new location. This decorative film not only serves as an upgrade in aesthetic, but also serves as the perfect privacy buffer for office space and meeting rooms, turning the space into a creative, welcoming, informative, and encouraging atmosphere.

glass film 1 glass film 2 glass film 3  glass film 4   ​

Sometimes, a simple change of location is all it takes to create an all-new office vibe. Other times, changing locations might not be enough when it comes to creating that new vibe—especially one that keeps employees, clients, and other visitors comfortable, yet attentive and diligent when they enter the space.

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As you can see in the photos above, Visit Baltimore found the perfect film that fits their new location’s vibe and personality. If your office space is in need of an aesthetic upgrade, enhanced privacy, or even if the space just needs a simple vibe-changer, Film Room Glass Tinting has a variety of colorful tints and unique styles, sure to turn the workspace into an ideal productivity environment. Click here to find the film that will fit your office space the best.